After the IPFC 9, I and MI went to northern part of Okinawa Island for two-day field trip with some foreign participants.
Fishes also welcomed our guests.
Everybody was interested in Luciogobius ryukyuensis.
Stenogobius sp. requested by BE. He said that Stenogobius is rare in Australia as well as the underwater observation is difficult due to existence of the crocodile. He enjoyed crocodile-free observation. I found a dusky male (centre) displaying a female (front).
オスはディスプレイを繰り返し、メスを誘ってどんどんどんどん移動していきます。追跡していくと、だいぶ離れたところでついに巣石の下に入って行きました。矢印の先が巣穴の入り口です。中央がオス、右上がメス。近縁なミナミハゼ属の産卵床はオープンですが、タネカワハゼの巣石は普通底質に埋もれていて外からは観察できません(Yamasaki et al. 2012)。
The Stenogobius male repeated display and swimming to bring the female to his nest. I followed them and watched that the male (centre) finally arrived his nest with female (upper right) and got into the nest under a stone (allow indicates entrance of the nest). We cannot observe inside of the nest, because nest stone of Stenogobius usually somewhat submerged in the gravels and sands of the streambed, while Awaous spawns on relatively open nest (Yamasaki et al. 2012).
After the male disappeared into the nest, the female stayed in fornt of its entrance and swim around there for a while. Then, she decided to follow him and entered the nest. I would have obtained the egg mass of Stenogobius sp., if I had checked the nest next day.
BE and JD observing Lentipes armatus in the rapid.
MI with brand-new wet suit.
We went to a stream mouth to observe estuarine fish next morning.
Neoniphon sammara. It was the first time I found this species in the stream habitat.
We were caught in a heavy thunderstorm. So, we decided to move to other side of the island.
It was fine whether and stream was clear. But, DB soon returned to us and said “Flooding!”. The clear and gentle flowing stream had suddenly been swollen and we saw turbid water carrying a big log.
It would have been caused by heavy rain in the upper reaches. We must be careful in flooding.
So, we moved again to the other area with no dark cloud throughout the water system. This is a crab, Eriocheir japonica. BE and JD were interested in it, because big crab is uncommon in freshwater stream of Australia. A newt also attracted the guests from the southern hemisphere.
I was happy because everyone enjoyed the trip.
Off course, we enjoyed it, too.
We also enjoyed eel diner.
Ken Maeda